Apple IIgs System 6.0.2 veröffentlicht

Am vergangenen Wochenende erschien nach 22 Jahren ein lang erwartetes Update für den Apple IIgs. Das Apple IIgs System 6.0.2 wurde aber nicht von Apple selbst entwickelt, sondern von dem amerikanischen Apple-Club Apple Pugetsound Program Library Exchange (A.P.P.L.E.), und behebt gleich mehrere Fehler (Auszug von der A.P.P.L.E. Website):

  • Finder (see also Finder Help)
    The list is FSTs now includes the RDOS 3.3 name.
    You can navigate through the folders hierarchy with ‘Command-Up Arrow’.
  • Drivers
    The Ethertalk driver is now included. This is the driver for the unreleased Ethernet for Appletalk card.
  • File System Translators (FSTs)
    The HFS.FST bug is removed. Your HFS disks are now safe!
    Some bugs from the PASCAL.FST were removed.
    The DOS33.FST has been corrected.
  • Tools
    The Animation tool (tool037) is now included. It allows fast animation on the Apple IIgs.
    The TextEdit bug when more than 1024 styles were used is fixed.
    The Font Manager bug is now squashed.
    Some bugs in the Window Manager were removed.
    QuickerGraph that accelerates some drawing routines is now included. This program is unfinished and your system may become unstable if you install it.

Der Club bietet das System als 2mg- und PO-Diskettenimage zum Download an. In einem Monat soll schon das System 6.0.3 erscheinen, welches noch einige Fehler im Update selbst beheben soll.

Bild: A.P.P.L.E.

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