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Einzelne Bilder dĂĽrfen, sofern der Verweis auf das „8Bit-Museum.de“ nicht entfernt wird, fĂĽr redaktionelle Beiträge auf anderen Websites verwendet werden („Fair Use“ ). Nicht erlaubt ist die Verwendung in Sammlungen oder Datenbanken sowie die kommerzielle Nutzung ohne das vorherige Einverständnis.
Apple IIc mit LCD-Display
Apple Macintosh Colour Classic
Apple Macintosh Performa 475
Apple Macintosh Power Duo 230
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 100
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 150
Apple Macintosh PowerBook 520
Apple Macintosh PowerBook Duo 230
Apple Macintosh Quadra 610
Apple Power Macintosh 7100/66
Apple Power Macintosh 7100/66 AV
Apple Power Macintosh 7200/90
Apple Power Macintosh 7500/100
Apple Workgroup Server 6150
Blaupunkt BTX Computer PC-33
Commodore PET 2001 (blue)
Commodore PET 2001 (keyboard)
Commodore PET 2001 (personal electronic transactor)
Dick Smith Electronics VZ300
Fujitsu Siemens Pocket Loox n560
Gradiente Expert xp800 grey
IBM Personal Computer 5150
IBM RS-6000 Type 7011 Model 250
Intertec Data Systems Superbrain
Next neXTstation TurboColor
Olivetti Quaderno PT-XT-20
Olivetti Quaderno PT-XT-20
Sharp Epcom HotBit 1.2 HB8000 black
Sharp PC-1500A mit CE-150
Siemens Nixdorf PCD 4 NCsx
Sinclair The Spectrum (retro_games)
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 128K
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next
Sinclair ZX Spectrum+2 black
Sinclair ZX Spectrum+2 grey
Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer 2
Texas Instruments TI99/4a
Texas Instruments TI99/4a beige
Thomson TO7-70 rubberkeys
ZX Spectrum Clone - Omni 128HQ
DAG Technikum MP Lernsystem
elektor Spielcomputer (1979)
Gigatron TTL Microcomputer
Ohio Scientific Superboard II
Psion Organiser II Modell XP
Sinclair Cambridge Memory
Sinclair Scientific Programmable
Texas Instruments nspire CAS
Texas Instruments TI-1250
Texas Instruments TI-51-III
Atari 2600 mit sechs Schalter
Atari 2600 mit vier Schalter
Atari 2600jr mit Prägung
Atari Flashback 7800 Mini
ITT Tele-Match System Fairchild
Polybrain 1 Video Computer Game
Toy Lobster 30in1 Joystick
PONG Spiele
Honeybell Video-Sports color
Philips Tele-Spiel ES2201
R10 9012 Volor Video Game
RFT TV-Spiel 01 (schwarz)
Elektronische Spiele
Elektronika IM02 - Nu Pogodi (Wolf & Ei)
Elektronika IM09 - Kosmicheskij Most (WeltraumbrĂĽcke)
Nintendo Game and Watch - Baloon Fight
Nintendo Game and Watch - Donkey Kong
Nintendo Game and Watch - Donkey Kong II
Nintendo Game and Watch - Fire
Nintendo Game and Watch - Mario Bros
Nintendo Game and Watch - Mickey and Donald
Nntendo Game and Watch - Parachute
Mechanische Rechenmaschinen/Rechenhilfen
Addimult - Sumax-S (1951)
Vickers Detroit Hydraulics
Apple Macintosh HDI-20 Disk Drive
Commodore Datassette 1530
Commodore Datassette 1531
Commodore Datassette C2N (black)
Elan Enterprise Disk Drive
norris data Datenrekorder DR 1535
Philips D-6600 MSX Data Recorder
Philips MSX Data Recorder NMS-1515
Pinnacle Electronics Data Recorder
Sanyo Data Recorder DR-202A
Schneider Floppy Disc Drive
Apple Dot Matrix Printer A2M0059
Apple ImageWriter A9M0303P
Commodore Tractor Printer 3032 Series
Commodore Tractor Printer 4022
Olivetti Quaderno PT-XT-20
Schneider Matrix Drucker PCW-8256
Texas Instruments PC-100C
Acorn Electron Plus 1 Interface
Apple Color One Scanner 600/27
Apple Computer Keyboard (M0110A)
Apple Design Keyboard (M2980)
Apple Extended Keyboard (M0115)
Apple Extended Keyboard II (M3501)
Apple IIc PAL Modulator/Adapter
Apple Keyboard II (M0487)
Apple Lisa Keyboard (A6MB101)
Apple LocalTalk Locking Connector Kit Din 8
Apple Macintosh Numeric Keypad
Apple MacXL Keyboard (A6MB101)
Apple USB Keyboard (M2452)
Apple Wireless Keyboard (1st Revision)
Atari Game Mate 2 Controller
Atari Light Gun XE System
Atari Portfolio Parallel Interface
Atari Portfolio Serial Interface
Cambridge Computer Z88 128k Ram Pack
CBS Colecovision Expansion Module No 1
Cirque Glidepoint Desktop for Macintosh
Epson Video Adapter H20DEU
Kc85 Modul - 64k Ram Modul
Kc85 Modul - Expander Ram
KC85 Modul OVP - 64k Byte Ram
KC85 Modul OVP - Expander Ram
KC85 Modul OVP - RS232 Modul
KC87 Modul - Programmier-Modul
KC87 Modul - Ram Erweiterungsmodul
Sinclair ZX81 "Filesixty"
Tandy TRS-80 Acoustic Modem
Texas Instruments Expansion System
Thomson Controleur d'Extensions Modele 2
TI99/4A Speech Synthesizer
VC20 - Super Expander With 3k Ram
ZX Spectrum dk'tronics Dual-Joystick Interface
ZX Spectrum dk'tronics Joystick Interface
ZX Spectrum dk'tronics Light Pen
ZX Spectrum Kempston Interface
ZX Spectrum RAM Music Machine
ZX Spectrum Rotronics Wafadrive
CPUs und Speicher
CON - MOS 6522 VIA (1984)
CON - MOS 6526 CIA (1985)
CON - MOS 6569 VIC-II (1983)
CON - MOS 6569 VIC-II (1984)
CON - MOS 6581 SID (1984)
CON - Mostek MK3884 (1981) SIO
CON - Motorola MC6820 PIA
CON - Motorola MC6821 PIA (1984)
CON - Motorola MC6847 VDG
CON - Motorola MC6850 ACIA (1984)
CON - Rockwell R6532 RIOT (1983)
CON - USSR CM607 (MC6845) CRT (1994)
CON - Yamaha AY2149 (1990)
CON - Zilog Z8420 PIO (1981)
CPU - AMD 80286-10 (1982)
CPU - AMD 80L286-12 (1982)
CPU - AMD Am386DX-40 (1991)
CPU - AMD Am486DX2-66 (1993)
CPU - AMD Am486DX2-66 (1993) Back
CPU - AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (2001)
CPU - AMD Athlon 64 3000+ (2001) Back
CPU - AMD K5-100 (1996) backside
CPU - AMD K6-200 (1997) backside
CPU - Cyrix Cx486DLC-33 (1992)
CPU - Cyrix Cx486DLC-33 (1992) backside
CPU - Fujitsu 80286-8 (1982)
CPU - Intel Core2 Duo E6300 (2011)
CPU - Intel Core2 Duo E6300 (2011) backside
CPU - Intel Core2 Duo E7300 (2013)
CPU - Intel Core2 Duo E7300 (2013) backside
CPU - Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 (2012)
CPU - Intel Core2 Quad Q6600 (2012) backside
CPU - Intel D8742 (1982) mit EPROM
CPU - Intel I80186 (1982)
CPU - Intel I80286-10 (1985)
CPU - Intel I80286-12 (1985)
CPU - Intel I80386-16 (1988)
CPU - Intel I80386-16 (1988) backside
CPU - Intel I80387-16 (1986)
CPU - Intel I80387-16 (1986) backside
CPU - Intel I80486SX-25 (1992)
CPU - Intel I80486SX-25 (1992) backside
CPU - Intel Pentium 60 (1993)
CPU - Intel Pentium 60 (1993) backside
CPU - Intel Pentium 66 MMX (1997)
CPU - Intel Pentium 66 MMX (1997)
CPU - Intel Pentium 66 MMX (1997) backside
CPU - Intel Pentium 66 MMX (1997) backside
CPU - Intel Pentium 90 (1994)
CPU - Intel Pentium 90 (1994) backside
CPU - Intel Pentium III (1999)
CPU - MME UB880 (1980) (Z80)
CPU - Motorola MC6800 (1983)
CPU - Motorola MC68000 (1990)
CPU - Motorola MC68000 (1990)
CPU - Motorola MC68020 (1990)
CPU - Motorola MC68020 (1990) backside
CPU - Motorola MC6803E (1986)
CPU - Motorola MC68040 (1993)
CPU - Motorola MC6808 (1985)
CPU - Motorola MC6809 (1988)
CPU - Motorola MC6809E (1984)
CPU - NEC D780 (1981) (z80)
CPU - NEC V20 (1984) (8086)
CPU - Rockwell R6501 (1987)
CPU - Rockwell R6502 (1981)
CPU - Rockwell R6504 (1989)
CPU - Rockwell R6505 (1986)
CPU - Rockwell R6507 (1988)
CPU - Rockwell R6512 (1988)
CPU - Siemens 80286 (1982)
CPU - Siemens SAB8086 (1978)
CPU - Thomson EF68000 (1984)
CPU - USSR K589IK01 (Intel 3001)
CPU - Zilog Z84C0020 (2007)
Apple iPod 32k (A1318, 2009)
Apple iPod classic 160GB (A1238, 2009)
Audio Cassette Sony Esprit IV
Audio Cassette Sony UX-Pro
Capacitor - Sprague Powerlytic 300000uf
Capacitor - Sprague Powerlytic 300000uf with LED
Commodore MK-10 Midi Keyboard
Diskette 3 Zoll - Maxell CF2
Diskette 3 Zoll - Maxell CF2
Diskette 5.25 Zoll - 3M DSHD
Diskette 5.25 Zoll - BASF 2S2D
Diskette 5.25 Zoll - BASF Cleaning Flexy Disk
Diskette 5.25 Zoll - Escom 2SHD
Diskette 5.25 Zoll - Scotch 1S2D
Diskette 5.25 Zoll - Sony 2HD
Diskette 8 Zoll - 3M 2S2D
Diskette 8 Zoll - 3M 2S2D
Diskette Zip - Iomega Zip 100
Diskette Zip - Iomega Zip 100
Electro-Hobby Type 966 (offen)
Grundig Cassette Recorder CR105
Heathkit Frequency Counter
IBM Flowcharting Template
IBM Flowcharting Template
IBM System/360 Reference Data und Punch Card
Kosmos - Computer-Praxis CP1
Kosmos - electronic X1000 beginner
Kosmos - electronic X2000 explorer
Kosmos - Elektronik-Praktikum Radio und Elektronik 100
Kosmos - Elektronik-Praktikum Radio und Elektronik 100 (offen)
Kosmos - Elektronik-Praktikum Radio und Elektronik 101
Kosmos - Elektronik-Praktikum Radio und Elektronik 101 (offen)
Kosmos - X2000 (I) (offen)
Kosmos - X2000 (II) (offen)
Kosmos - X2500 (III) (offen)
Logik-Platine in DTL-Technik
Logik-Platine mit Germanium Dioden
Magna - Home Computer Tape
Marion Electrical Instrument 115 Volts Microamperes
National Education ICS Computer Code Translator
Philips - Elektronik Experimentierkasten EE2050 (1974)
Philips - Elektronik Experimentierkasten EE2050 (1974) (offen)
Philips - Elektronik Experimentierkasten EE2050 (1974) (offen)
Radio Shack - Science Fair 75 in 1 (1976)
Radio Shack - Science Fair 75 in 1 (1976) (offen)
Siemens MP/MC Logiktester
Siemens TTL/DTL PrĂĽfspitze M07576-A3
Sinclair System 3000 (back)
Sinclair System 3000 (open)
Sony Experia E (PM-0510-BV, 2013)
Tape - 3M DC2120 120 Mbyte
Tape - 3M DC2120 120 Mbyte QIC-80
Tape - Imation Black Watch DLTtape IIXT 30 GB
UdSSR Oszillograf C1/94 (1985)
unbekannte Harddrive 5 MByte
Apple 12 Zoll RGB Monitor
Apple Macintosh Color Display
Apple Macintosh Portrait Display
Schneider Green Monitor GT64
Schneider Green Monitor GT65
Tandy TRS-80 Video Display
Tandy TRS-80 Video Display (ohne Abdeckung)
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