Bücher Bildergalerien
Die Galerien enthalten eine kleine Auswahl der Sammlung.
Acornsoft - Infoflyer Programs from Acornsoft for the BBC
Apple - Infoflyer Power Macintosh Computers
Apple - Infoflyer Power Macintosh Computers (offen)
Atari - Catalogue of Games
Atari - Catalogue of Games 2600
Atari - Infoflyer 1040 ST
Atari - Infoflyer 1040 ST (offen)
Atari - Infoflyer 520 ST / 1040 ST
Atari - Infoflyer ABC 286-30
Atari - Infoflyer ABC 286-30
Atari - Infoflyer Das Atari 400 und 800 Privat-Computer-System
Atari - Infoflyer Das Atari 400 und 800 Privat-Computer-System (offen)
Atari - Infoflyer Desktop Publishing System
Atari - Infoflyer Desktop Publishing System
Atari - Infoflyer Mega ST
Atari - Infoflyer Mega STE
Atari - Infoflyer PC 5 - Eurix
Atari - Infoflyer Portfolio
Atari - Infoflyer Portfolio
Atari - Infoflyer ST Textverarbeitung
Atari - Infoflyer Taschenrechner (back side)
Atari - Infoflyer Taschenrechner (front side)
Atari - Infoflyer Textverarbeitung
Atari - Infoflyer XE Video Game System
Atari - Presseinformation
Atari - Presseinformation (1992)
Atari - Presseinformation Bilder (1992)
Atari - Presseinformation Flyer (1992)
Bbc - Infoflyer Microcomputer System
Brother - Infoflyer 2024L
Commodore - CBM Software Katalog
Commodore - Infoflyer C64 Heimcomputer Des Jahres
Commodore - Infoflyer CBM 4022
Commodore - Infoflyer Computer
Eaca - Infoflyer Color Genie
Enterprise - Infoflyer Enterprise 128
Enterprise - Infoflyer Enterprise 128 (offen)
Enterprise - Infoflyer Exdos
Epson - Infoflyer Matrix Drucker
Hewlett Packard - Infoflyer HP 9826
Hewlett Packard - Infoflyer HP 9826 (offen)
Hewlett Packard - Infoflyer HP 9845
Hewlett Packard - Infoflyer HP 9845 (offen)
Imagic - Infoflyer Video Game Cartridges
Kontron - Infoflyer PSI 80
Kontron - Infoflyer PSI 80 (offen)
Nec - Infoflyer PC-8023-N
Nec - Infoflyer Spinwriter 2000
Olivetti - Infoflyer M 20
Panasonic - Infoflyer KX-P 1092
Panasonic - Infoflyer Matrixdrucker und Typenraddrucker
Philips - Infoflyer MSX Computersystem
Philips - Infoflyer MSX Homecomputersystem
Philips - Infoflyer Odyssey 2001
Philips - Infoflyer P 2000T Thuiscomputer
Psion - Infoflyer Organiser II
Rft - Katalog Opto Electronic Divices
Robotron - Infoflyer Bildungscomputer A5105
Robotron - Infoflyer Heimcomputer Z 9001
Robotron - Infoflyer Heimcomputer Z 9001 (offen)
Robotron - Infoflyer Kleincomputer KC compact
Robotron - Infoflyer Kleincomputer KC compact (offen)
Robotron - Infoflyer Kleincomputer Robotron 87
Robotron - Infoflyer Robotron
Robotron - Infoflyer Robotron
Schneider - Infoflyer CPC 464
Schneider - Infoflyer CPC 6128
Schneider - Infoflyer Joyce
Schneider - Infoflyer Joyce
Schneider - Preisliste 1984/1985
Seikosha - Infoflyer BP-5200
Seikosha - Infoflyer BP-5420AI
Seikosha - Infoflyer GP-50/GP-55 Series
Seikosha - Infoflyer GP-700A
Seikosha - Infoflyer MP-1300AI
Seikosha - Infoflyer SP-1000
Sharp - Infoflyer Ihr persönlicher Computer
Sharp - Infoflyer MZ-700 Serie
Sinclair - Infoflyer Erweiterungen für den ZX 81
Sinclair - Infoflyer ZX Spectrum Software Januar 1984
Sinclair - Infoflyer ZX Spectrum Software Januar 1984 (offen)
Sinclair - Infoflyer ZX81 Personal Computer
SVI - Infoflyer Sv-318/328
SVI - Infoflyer Sv-318/328 (offen)
SVI - Infoflyer SVI-318/328
SVI - Infoflyer SVI-318/328 (offen)
Ta - Infoflyer Alphatronic P10
Tandy - Computer Katalog 1987
Tandy - Computer Katalog 1987 (offen)
Tandy - Infoflyer Tandy 1000
Tandy - Infoflyer Tandy 200
Tandy - Infoflyer Tandy Computer
Tandy - Infoflyer Tandy Matrixdrucker
Tandy - Infoflyer Tandy Schönschreibdrucker
Tandy - Infoflyer TRS-80 Model 4p
Tandy - Infoflyer TRS-80 Modell 100
Tandy - Infoflyer TRS-80 Modell 2000
Tandy - Infoflyer TRS-80 Modell 4
Tandy - Infoflyer TRS-80 Modell 4p
Tandy - Infoflyer TRS-80 Modell II (offen)
Tandy - Katalog 1985 (offen)
Tandy - TRS-80 Katalog 1981-1982
Texas Instruments - Infoflyer TI99-4
Texas Instruments - Infoflyer TI99/4A
Texas Instruments - Infoflyer TI99/4A
Toshiba - Infoflyer Druckende Taschenrechner
Toshiba - Infoflyer EW-100
Toshiba - Infoflyer KT-1310/KT-1950
Toshiba - Infoflyer T-200
Victor - Infoflyer Computer für Europa
Victor - Infoflyer Computer für Europa
Wang - Infoflyer Computersysteme
Wang - Infoflyer Monitor 2/76
Zenith - Infoflyer SupersPORT Laptop