Bücher Bildergalerien
Die Galerien enthalten eine kleine Auswahl der Sammlung.
AEG-Telefunken - Halbleiterübersicht 1980/81
Ates - Short Form Catalogue September 1970
Fairchild - 34000 Isoplanar CMOS Data Book (1975)
Ibm - Computertechnologie Textbuch
Ibm - Computertechnologie Textbuch (offen)
IBM - System 360 Reference Data (1972)
ITT - Gesamtprogramm 1983
ITT - Schaltbeispiele mit diskreten Halbleiterbauelementen
Mostek - Z80 Technical Manual - MK 3880
Mostek - Z80 Technical Manual - MK 3881
Motorola - Linear Integrated Circuits Data Book (1972)
Motorola - M68000 Family Reference
Motorola - M68060 Microprocessor Users Manual
Motorola - MC68000 16-/32-Bit Microprocessor
Motorola - MC68000 Datasheet (1984)
Motorola - MC68000 MC68008 MC68010 8-/16-/32-Bit Microprocessors Users Manual
Motorola - MC68020 32-Bit Microprocessor Users Manual
Motorola - MC68030 Enhanced 32-Bit Microprocessor Users Manual
Motorola - MC68040 32-Bit Microprocessor Users Manual
Motorola - MC6847 Advanced Information
Motorola - MC68881/882 Floating-Point Coprocessor Users Manual
Motorola - Programmers Reference Manual
Motorola - Semiconductor Data Library
National - CMOS Databook (1977)
National - Composite Catalog 1965
RCA - Guide To RCA Semiconductor Products
Siemens - Halbleiter Schaltbeispiele 1970
Siemens - Mikrocomputer Grundlagen
Sinclair - Practical Transistor Receivers Book I
Texas Instruments - Das TTl-Kochbuch
Texas Instruments - Pocket Guide
Texas Instruments - The Integrated Circuits Catalog (1971)
Texas Instruments - The Interface Circuits Data Book (1977)
Texas Instruments - The MOS Memory Data Book (1979)
Texas Instruments - The Transistor and Diode Data Book (1973)
Texas Instruments - The TTL Data Book (1973)
Texas Instruments - The TTL Data Book (1974)
Texas Instruments - The TTL Data Book (1981)
Texas Instruments - The TTL Data Book (1983)
Texas Instruments - TTL Integrated Circuits (1969)
Thomson - Halbleiter-Ãœbersicht 1970
Transitron - Lineare ICs Funktion und Anwendung
Transitron - Vorzugstypen
Valvo - Halbleiterbauelemente 1981/82
Valvo - Integrierte Schaltungen 1981/82
Zilog - Components Data Book 1983/1984