This update may reset the configuration to the default setting. After the update, the SD card and other settings have to be made again.
New Features
RCT programs EPROMs
The RCT can now also program several EPROMs. This requires a simple, inexpensive adapter that provides the programming voltage.
Supported are following EPROMs: 2708, 2516/2716, TMS2716, 2532, 2732 and 2564.
Testing of multivibrators
After I described six months ago why the RCT does not offer any pseudo tests for multivibrators, it can now reliably test them. However, no „fail“ or „pass“ is displayed, but the time of the measured pulse. The required components can be plugged directly into the ZIF socket or an adapter can be used.
Following Multivibrators are supported: 74121, 74122, 74123, 74130, 74221, 74422, 74423, 8T22, CD4098, CD4528, CD4538
- Before an EPROM is programmed, a blank check is performed.
- In the configuration, the „DUMP“ setting has been replaced by „Alt. mode“ (it was often confused with the dump mode for EPROMs, which is always available). The alternative test mode can be executed by a long keypress on OK.
- The self-defined SRAMs and ROMs now allow the write and read cycle to be defined. This is necessary for clocked operations.
- Chip insert test for multivibrator ICs.
Bug fixes
- A nasty typo has been removed ;)
New Adapters
- TMS2716 Programming Adapter
- 2564 Programming Adapter
- 74121/74122/74123 Multivibrator Adapter
- CD4098/4528/4538 Multivibrator Adapter
- NEC uPD454/464 Adapter
- Signetics 2530 Adapter
The Gerber data for the current version of the adapter has already been published. The schematics of all adapters are available in the BOM.pdf now.
New Logic ICs supported
New Logic ICs
4xxx: 4098, 4528, 4538
74xxx: 56, 57, 121, 122, 123, 130, 142, 167, 221, 256, 275, 357, 384, 422, 423, 524, 546, 547, F547, F548, 566, 567, 598, 653, 657, 671, 672, 681, 996
75xxx: 140
misc: VQB76, VQB23, VQB24 (DDR Displays), 8T22, 8T93, 8T94, 8T125
improved: CA3045, CA3046, CA3086, CA3081, CA3083
fixed: 134, 867
New Custom Definition Files
There are new definition files for special memory modules.
- HM53461P, MB81461, MT42C4064, uPD41264, TMS4461 (64k x 4 – DRAM)
- SMJ44400, TC514400, HM514400 (1024k x 4 – DRAM)
- TMS4050 (4k x 1 – DRAM)
- EDH41512 Module 1 (2x 256k x 1 – DRAM)
- EDH41512 Module 2 (2x 256k x 1 – DRAM)
- EDH42256 (256k x 2 – DRAM)
- MT1259-P (256k x 1 – DRAM)
- MT4067-P (64k x 4 – DRAM)
- TMS4051 (4k x 1 – DRAM)
- ZIP16 (64k x 1 – DRAM)
- 74AS870 (16 x 4 – SRAM)
- 74AS871 (16 x 4 – SRAM)
- 74C930, 6518 (1k x 1 – SRAM)
- AE88128 (16k x 8 – SRAM)
- AS6C4008, CY62148, CYM1464, CYM1465, M5M5408, P4C1048, F7447APC, BS62LV4006 (512k x 8 – SRAM)
- CD4061, HEF4720 (256 x 1, negative Dout – SRAM)
- CD4061, HEF4720 (256 x 1, positive Dout – SRAM)
- EMM4200, EMM4300, GTE4200, uPD410 (4k x 1 – SRAM)
- EMM8108, CXK5808, UPD421 (1k x 8 – SRAM)
- GTE 3539 (256 x 8 – SRAM)
- N8X350 (256 x 8 – SRAM)
- N82S21 (32 x 2 – SRAM)
- P4C163, CY7C182, IMS1695, IDT7189, M5M5179, uPD4369, TMM2089 (8k x 9 – SRAM)
- SN74172 port 2 (dualport 8 x 2 – SRAM)
- TC4036 (4 x 8 – SRAM)
- TC5047, uPD445 (1k x 4 – SRAM)
- TC5516, LC3516, uPD447, uPD449 (2k x 8 – SRAM)
- W24129 (16k x 8 – SRAM)
- X2210, X22C10 (64 x 4 – NOVRAM)
- X2212, X22C12 (256 x 4 – NOVRAM)
- 74F211, 74F311 (16 x 9 – SRAM)
- 74F212, 74F312 (16 x 9 – SRAM)
- 74F213, 74F313 (16 x 12 – SRAM)
- 74LS208 (256 x 4 – SRAM)
- 74LS216, 74LS316 (64 x 4 – SRAM)
- 74LS217, 74LS317 (64 x 4 – SRAM)
- 74LS218, 74LS318 (32 x 8 – SRAM)
- A6173081, HY638100, IS63C1024, CY7C1019, M5M512R88 (128k x 8 – SRAM)
- AS5C2008 (256k x 8 – SRAM)
- CY7C188, M5M5279, uPD43259 (32k x 9 – SRAM)
- CY7C1001, CY7C1002, M5M51014 (256k x 4 – SRAM)
- CY7C1014 (256k x 4 – SRAM)
- CY7C1016 (256k x 4 – SRAM)
- CY7C1046 (1024k x 4 – SRAM)
- CY7C1088, UPD431003 (128k x 9 – SRAM)
- CY62138 (256k x 8 – SRAM)
- EMM4801 (4k x 1 – SRAM)
- HM6503H (2k x 1 – SRAM)
- HM6503L (2k x 1 – SRAM)
- HM6533 (1k x 4 – SRAM)
- i2113, P2113, C2113 (512 x 4 A0H – SRAM)
- i2113, P2113, C2113 (512 x 4 A0L – SRAM)
- KM658128 (128k x 8 – PSRAM)
- M5M52B88, uPD46258 (32k x 8 – SRAM)
- M5M5260A (256k x 1 – SRAM)
- M5M5269 (32k x 9 – SRAM)
- M5M51001 (1024k x 1 – SRAM)
- M5M54001 (4096k x 1 – SRAM)
- MK4816 (2k x 8 – PSRAM)
- P4C107, CY7C107, CY7C1007 (1024k x 1 – SRAM)
- P4C174 (8k x 8 – CACHE TAG SRAM)
- TMS4036 (64 x 8 – SRAM)
- TMS4047 (1k x 4 – SRAM)
- uPD46259 (32k x 9 – SRAM)
- uPD431002 (128k x 9 – SRAM)
- X2004, X20C04, X20C05 (512 x 8 – NOVRAM)
- X2016, X20C16 (2k x 8 – NOVRAM)
- X2017, X20C17 (2k x 8 – NOVRAM)
ROMs and PLAs
- 23C8000 (1m x 8 – ROM)
- 27C080 (1024k x 8 – EPROM)
- 82S100 (64k x 8 – PLA)
- Signetics 2530 (2k x 8 – ROM, ADAPTER)
- Signetics 2600 (2k x 8 – ROM)
- 2716 Rev (2k x 8 – EPROM, Reverse)
- LH534J (512k x 8 – ROM)
- LH538J (1024k x 8 – ROM)
- M48T35 (32k x 8 – Timekeeper SRAM)
- MK28000, TMS4800 (2k x 8, ROM)
- MMI6350 – MMI6351 (1024 x 4 – PROM)
- PLA2EPROM (64k x 8 – PLA)
- uPD454, uPD464 (256 x 8, EEPROM, ROM)
- 74S262 (128 x 9 x 5 – CHROM)
- 82S114, 82S124, 8204 (256 x 8 – PROM, ROM)
- 82S115, 82S125, 8205, Am27S15 (512 x 8 – PROM, ROM)
- Signetics 2608 (1k x 8 – ROM)
- Signetics 2617 (2k x 8 – ROM)
- Intel 2817A (2k x 8 – EEPROM)
- 28020, 29002, 29020 (256k x 8 – EEPROM)
- Am9216 (2k x 8 – ROM)
- AT28C256 (32k x 8 – EEPROM)
- HM-7644 (1024 x 4 – PROM)
- HN62321A, HN62331A (128k x 8 – ROM)
- IM6653 (1024 x 4 – EPROM)
- IM6654 (512 x 8 – EPROM)
- IM6657 (2048 x 4 – EPROM)
- IM6658 (1024 x 8 – EPROM)
- M48T08, M48T18, M48T58 (8k x 8 – Timekeeper SRAM)
- M48Z08, M48Z18, M48Z58 (8k x 8 – Zeropower SRAM)
- M48Z35 (32k x 8 – Zeropower SRAM)
- MBM27C4000 (512k x 8 – EPROM)
- MMI6335, MMI6336 (256 x 8 – PROM)
- MMI6386, MMI6387 (1024 x 8 – PROM)
- TMS2508, (1024 x 8 – EPROM)
- TMS2508 Rev (1024 x 8 – EPROM, Reverse)
- TMS2758, HM6758, 2758 (1024 x 8, AR=0 – EPROM)
- TMS2758, HM6758, 2758 (1024 x 8, AR=1 – EPROM)
- TMS2758 Rev HM6758 2758 (1024 x 8, AR=0 – EPROM, Reverse)
- TMS2758 Rev HM6758 2758 (1024 x 8, AR=1 – EPROM, Reverse)
The manuals have been updated and can be downloaded from my website.
The interactive IC comparison list has also been updated, as have the PDFs with the supported ICs.
Availability of the RCT
Currently there are temporary problems with the availability of the RCT. The board – without ATmega2560 – is always available. The board pre-assembled with the ATmega2560 is currently not always available. On the one hand, the MPU is not always available due to the lack of chips, on the other hand, the price of the ATmega2560 has risen to astronomical heights from initially US$ 6 in early 2021 to over (short-term) US$ 70 in February 2022. The price is currently between 25 and US$ 35 if the chip is available.
Untested ICs
Unfortunately, of the 1200 logic ICs that have now been implemented, a few tests could still not be verified because I don’t have the IC for these (this also applies to a few SRAMs, DRAMs and ROMs). I am grateful for any support here.