Spectrum Clone, Z84C15 21MHz or 3,5MHz, 4 MByte RAM (SIMM), 64 KByte Cache, 128KByte ROM, 256KByte Video RAM (-512KByte), 3,5" FDD 720KB/1,44MB or 5,25" FDD 720KB, IDE/AT HD-Controller, AT-keyboard, 2xserial, 2xparallel, 2x ISA-8 (PC) slots, AY-3-8910 or COVOX (4 channel with 8Bit) sound, extended graphicsmodes 320x256/256 colors (out of 16 mio) , 640x256 (x512 interlaced) 16 colors, textmode 80x32, Composite Video/RGB, TR-DOS and MS-DOS support, up to 16 ramdisks with 16 KByte up to 3,5 MByte